Ramon Llull: contemporary figures

Ramon Llull had connections with:

Kings and Princes

Jaime II of Majorca
Jaime II (1243-1311). King of Mallorca (1276-1311). Llibre de les Franqueses i Privilegis del Regne de Mallorca. Page 13v. King’s Coronation. Gothic art. Miniature. Palma de Mallorca. Archive of the Kingdom of Mallorca. P. Rotger/Iberfoto. Photoaisa.
Jaime II el Justo
Jaime II el Justo (1267-1327). King of Catalonia and Aragon (1291-1327), Sicily (1286-1296) and Sardinia (1324-1327). Painting. Barcelona. Army Museum in Montjuic Castle. M.C.Esteban/Iberfoto. Photoaisa.
(1267-1327, King of Catalonia and Aragon)
Frederick II
Frederick II of Sicily (1272-1337). King of Sicily (1296-1337). Coat of arms of the Aragonese kings of Sicily. Wikipedia. Ipankonin.
(1272-1337, King of Sicily)
Sancho I of Majorca
Sancho I of Mallorca (¿?-1324). King of Mallorca (1311-1324). Llibre de franqueses i privilegis del Regne de Mallorca. Fol. 37. Gothic art. Miniature. Palma de Mallorca. Archive of the Kingdom of Mallorca. J. Bedmar/Iberfoto. Photoaisa.
(…-1324, Count of Rosellon)
Abu-Hafs Umar I
Abu-Hafs Umar I. Emir of Tunis (1284-1295). Standard of the Hafsid dynasty  (hypothesis). IRU SL.
(Emir of Tunisia between 1284-1295)
Henri II de Lusignan
Henri II de Lusignan (1271-1324). King of Cyprus. Coin with the king’s face. Baldwin’s Auctions Ltd.
(1271-1324 King of Cyprus)
Abul-Baqá Kálid
Abul-Baqá Kálid. King of Bejaia (1301-1309). Standard of the Hafsid dynasty  (hypothesis). IRU SL.
(King of Bugia between 1301 and 1309).
Philip IV The Fair
Felipe IV "The Fair" (1268-1314). King of France and Navarra (1285-1314). The king in the centre. French illuminated manuscript (14th century). Gothic art. Miniature. Paris. Biblioteque National. BeBa/Iberfoto. Photoaisa.
(1268-1314, King of France)
Pietro Gradenigo
Pietro Gradenigo (1251-1311). Duce of Venice. Portrait (fragment) h. 1585. Renaissance. Oil on canvas by Jacopo Tintoretto (1518-1594). Venice, Italy. Ducal Palace. The Bridgeman Art Library. Photoaisa.
(1251-1311, Duce of Venice)


Nicholas IV
Nicholas IV (1227-1292). Pope of Roma (1288-1292). "La storia dei papi del cardinale Hergenrother". 1898. Engraving. Costa/Leemage. Photoaisa.
(Pope between 1288 and 1292)
Celestine V
Celestine V 1209-1296). Pope of Rome during a few months in 1294, after being the post vacant for more than two years. Medal with effigy. Cabinet of Medals in Rome. Coin. Costa/Leemage. Photoaisa.
(Pope only during a few months in 1294 after being the post vacant for more than two years)
Boniface VIII
Boniface VIII (1235-1303). Pope of Rome (1294 y 1303). Painting. Florence, Italy. Uffizi Gallery. BeBa/Iberfoto. Photoaisa.
(Pope between 1294 and 1303)
Benedict XI
Benedict XI (1240-1304). Pope of Rome (1303-1304). Fresco by Tommaso da Modena (1325-1379). Capitolo dei Domenicani, Seminary Vescovile, Treviso, Italy. Electa/Leemage. Photoaisa.
(Pope between 1303 and 1304)
Clement V
Clement V (1264 - 1314). Pope from 1305 to 1314. Portrait. First Pope residing in Avignon. Engraving. Mary Evans. Photoaisa.
(first Pope of Avignon between 1305 and 1314).


Arnau de Vilanova
Arnau de Vilanova (h.1238-1311). Distinguished Franciscan. Portrait from 1313 at the University of Montpellier. Painting. MP/Leemage. Photoaisa.
(distinguish Franciscan 1240?-1313?)
Saint Raymond of Peñafort
Saint Raymond of Peñafort (1180-1275). Distinguished Dominican. Detail of the decoration (1440-1441) of the Chapter House of the Convent of Saint Marc, by Fra Angelico Guido di Pietro (1387-1455). Florence, Italy. Convent of Saint Marc. Renaissance. Fresco. Iberfoto. Photoaisa.
(distinguish Dominican, 1180-1275)
Jacques de Molay
Jacques de Molay (1240?-1314). Last Grand Master of the Knights Templar. Xylograph. Leemage. Photoaisa.
(Grand Master of the Knights Templar of Nicosia, 1240?-1314)
Thomas le Myésier
Thomas le Myésier (¿-1336). Canon, doctor in La Sorbonne and Ramon Llull’s collaborator. Breviculum, XI. Thomas le Myésier, 1325. http://lullianarts.net
(Canon and doctor in la Sorbonne, ?-1336)

Ramon Llull quotations

«Because what you know is not as much as what you do not know, do not talk too much»

Messages about Ramon Llull

Ramon Llull has been considered the architect of literary Catalan.

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